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Silvergate Yacht Club
Wheelchair Regatta 2022 

When and Where

5 June 2022 

Silvergate Yacht Club 


How to help


The Wheelchair Regatta has many facets but the highlight for our guests is a narrated tour of the San Diego Bay on a private yacht. Skippers from all over San Diego basin donate their boats, fuel, time and crew. SGYC provides lunch and entertainment throughout the day. In every nook and cranny of the club something`s happening: clowns, jugglers, bands, musicians, and more!


Over 300 volunteers work towards a successful WCR. Club members old and new plan and organize for six months. Every year US Marine & Navy personnel assure that every guest is safely escorted on and off the boats. Local merchants and vendors, the San Diego Transit Authority, San Diego Zoo and many other individual entertainers support this heart-warming event. 

Who To Contact
Don Aitken
2022 WCR Chairperson

Rich Chambers
2022 Vice Commodore

Silver Gate Yacht Club

2091 Shelter Island Drive

San Diego, CA 92106

619-222-1214 (phone) 619-222-4506 (fax)

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